Miento Investor

Supplement for maximising human health in space
The space environment is an incredibly stressful environment for humans and other organic life forms, which are adapted to Earth gravity. The human microbiome is integral to human growth and development, cognitive function, nutritional and immune status, and general health. The human microbiome has two habitats: the skin and appendages and the oral-gastrointestinal tract. It can be argued that the uterus is a third habitat, as it is technically external to the human body.
Spaceport Australia Pty Ltd has created a supplement to contribute to human health and functioning in the space environment. Elements of the supplement have been demonstrated to be anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and clinically supportive of the immune system. It is anticipated that V/Q oxygen exchange in low oxygen environments (i.e. off-Earth habitats and spacecraft) will improve by 10%, helping offset cognitive changes experienced in enclosed space environments (space stations, off-Earth habitats, space craft).
The supplement has strong potential for adjuvant medical use on-Earth.
- Investment to complete clinical trials and regulatory application (envisioned multiple jurisdictions)
- Return: % share of final product and sales commensurate to level of investment to a maximum of 49% shareholding.